Liposuction: Post-operative instructions

  1. Rest is important for the first 48 hours. Rest in bed or on the couch, getting up only to go to the bathroom. Minimal activity.
  2. It is best to stay on clear liquids the first night following surgery. You may resume a regular diet the following day.
  3. For the first 24 hours, expect to have some watery fluid and blood staining on the dressings. (This is from the tumescent infiltration).
  4. Take Extra-Strength Tylenol or your prescribed pain medication every four hours, as needed. Avoid any activity immediately after taking the medication as you may experience some drowsiness. Avoid using tranquilizers or sleeping pills while taking narcotics as this combination may be too strong for you. Avoid alcohol while taking narcotic pain medications. Colace (an over the counter stool softener medication) is effective to treat constipation, which often occurs with the use of narcotic pain medications.
  5. Keep the support garments on continuously until your first postoperative visit with your surgeon. Supportive girdles may be removed to go to the bathroom. Please replace them immediately. Chin straps may be loosened to comb your hair. Reapply them.
  6. All dressings will be removed in the office between four and seven days after surgery.
  7. Most patients return to work within a week of their surgery. Vigorous sports or activities are prohibited for three weeks. You may take long walks after five days, with your support garment in place.
  8. You may shower and wash your hair after the initial dressing change. Please replace the garment immediately. The best results are obtained if you wear the garment continuously for two to three weeks. The longer you wear the garment during the day, the faster the swelling will decrease.
  9. For the first week after your liposuction, areas will be swollen and will not show reduction in contour. Your clothes may fit more tightly, and you may even weigh more. By the end of the first week, the swelling begins to subside. Final improvement may not be apparent until three months or more after surgery.
  10. Hot baths should be avoided for at least four weeks to prevent swelling.
  11. If there are any problems, contact The Boston Center staff at 617-267-0710.
  12. Call Dr. Yaremchuk's office to make your follow-up appointment.